Episode 013 - A Content Creator's Minimalist Tech Aesthetic Desk Setup, China

Episode 013: Bingo


Content Creator

Name: Bingo
Location: China
Occupation: Content Creator
Room Size: 7㎡
Cost of Setup:  about $3500

Hexcal desk setup 101 Hexcal desk setup 101
Product List  
Customized Standing Desk
Desk Shelf Hexcal Studio
Cougar Terminator Gaming Chair
Apple Mac Studio M1
Docking Station
Hagibis USB C Hub with Second Screen
External Storage
Orico M.2 1TB
Apple iPad Mini 2
Innocn 43.8-inch curved monitor
Monitor Light Bar
BenQ ScreenBar Halo
Rubyoung M430 Golden Beast
Edifier Zero Pro
Sela 70%
Keyboard Cable
Wins Barista
VGN Dragonfly F1 mod
Desk Mat / Mouse Mat
Ambient Light
Smartphone iPhone 13 Pro Max
Sony FX3
Hexcal desk setup 101
Hexcal desk setup 101
Hexcal desk setup 101

Tell us a bit about yourself.

As a content creator based in Beijing, I spend most of my time reviewing digital products. I have always been fascinated by technology, and it's a great pleasure for me to share my experiences and insights with others. When I'm not working, you can find me indulging in my passion for sports. I love longboarding along the scenic routes of Beijing, skiing down the snowy slopes of the nearby mountains, practicing archery at the local range, or playing badminton with my friends. Sports keep me fit and energized, and they provide a great way for me to unwind after a long day of work. Apart from sports, I am also a movie enthusiast. I love the way movies transport me to different worlds, challenge my perspectives, and inspire me to be more creative in my work.

What do you usually do at your desk?

My usual routine involves engaging in a variety of activities. I shoot videos for my vlog or youtube channel. Once I'm done with filming, I move on to the editing phase where I spend time adding effects, trimming, and enhancing the video footage. Apart from video editing, I also spend a considerable amount of time writing copies for my blog or website. Meanwhile, I take some time off to rejuvenate my mind by playing games. This helps me to relax, unwind, and get my creative juices flowing before I begin any serious work. Overall, this routine helps me to stay productive, focused, and motivated throughout the day.

What’s your favorite item on your desk?

Hexcal Studio. It helps keep our desk neat and organized.

What are some products or software that you frequently use for work or entertainment?

I often use custom keyboards, and for work, I use Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects.

What niche interest are you up to recently?

I'm currently passionate about custom keyboards and speakers.

Do you work from home? If so, do you have any tips for a home office setup?

Try to keep the surrounding items tidy and organized, as it helps with work efficiency and a pleasant mood. A well-organized workspace can enhance your focus and concentration, enabling you to work more efficiently and effectively.

When did you start to work on your desk setup?

My fascination with desk setups goes back to the time when I stumbled upon some intriguing photos on Weibo. The pictures, related to Everyday Carry (EDC), caught my attention with their interesting and unique arrangements. I was amazed by how some people had organized their workspaces so creatively, making them both functional and aesthetically pleasing. The attention to detail and the effort put into customizing each setup was truly inspiring to me. From that moment on, I began to explore more about desk setups and started to develop my own style and preferences.

What's your desk setup aesthetics?

I'm drawn to the aesthetic of industrial loft style, and I love the idea of bringing that vibe into my desk setup. The style is characterized by a mixture of vintage and modern elements, with a focus on function over form. I prefer pieces that are simple, minimalist, and utilitarian, rather than ornate or overly decorative. Overall, I want my space to have a hardcore and unpolished feel that exudes a sense of industrial strength and durability.

Your advice for beginners getting into Desk Setup.

It's better to make gradual changes to your desk setup than to strive for perfection all at once. Remember that the perfect desk setup is the one that suits you best.